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Google Seaview – Google Streetview Reef

Google Seaview – Google Streetview Reef

We have announced here Google streetview at Great Barrier Reef as being introduced. Now Google Seaview is available. Seaview service by Google is supplies less amount of images because the real data for service to be available to full extent is September 2012.

Google now serves images from Australian Great Barrier Reef and soon they will be serving images from a Reef from Bermuda.

Google started to serve images from Sky with Google Earth. Later streetview started to serve images from streets. Now seaview serving images from sea, under marine.

Australian great barrier reef is worlds biggest reef system which consists of 2900 different reeves and 900 islands. It goes for 2600 kms and is visible from space.

Indeed Seaview is a project of Australian Queensland University. Google joins the Partially scientific, partially public Catlin Seaview Research project as publisher. Projects sponsor is an Australian insurance company “Catlin”.

Projects scientific aim is to follow the health and status of Reef and also making this beauty publicly available. We for the first time in he history have the required technology to broadcast the images from submarine. Millions of people will be able to see images coming from reef and view life in the ocean.

Project will start from 20 different spots and will be available via which redirects to Catlin Seaview Survey.

Demos are available at

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