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Hack Google Chrome win 1 million dollars

Hack Google Chrome win 1 million dollars

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Hack Google Chrome win 1 million dollars
Hack Google Chrome and win 1 million dollars. You heard it right. Google gives 1 million dollars to the one who can pass beyond their firewalls and compromise their security.
This is actually a show. Since Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, all other browsers got banged by various hackers but Google Chrome last year, now this year, they increased the amount to this HUGE HACK GOOGLE EARN 1 MILLION DOLLARS thing.
They will give 60 40 20 thousand dollars to the ones who can harm Chrome browser. This will start at 7 March 2012 and will go on until the total reward goes up to 1 million dollars. Google does this since they don’t have much ideas to increase the security of Google Chrome and by this way, White hackers will show the holes at Google Chrome built and they will improve themselves. Good way to do research and make public tests.
Google Chrome owes this strength to Google Sandbox technology. They also say, if Google Chrome Sandbox system is passed, please keep this to yourselves and we will improve ourselves.

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