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How to lose weight

How to lose weight

The science is simple: Eating fewer calories makes you drop pounds. But depriving yourself by skimping on meals and banishing snacks only makes you hungry and pissed off. Plus, you are more likely to binge in the end anyway. The real solution lies in cutting out just a few little extra items from each meal (truly, your taste buds won’t even realize their absence) as well as making some food swaps so you sacrifice one fat-bomb ingredient and replace it with a more flavorful option. Incorporate a few of these ideas into your day and you’ll soon feel lighter and—as a bonus—healthier. [Cp]

It comes down to simple arithmetic, and you’ve heard it before: Calories in, calories out. You will absolutely, inevitably, sadly, this-could-not-be-clearer gain weight if you eat more calories than you expend in basic metabolism — breathing, digesting, sleeping, etc. — plus whatever else you do, such as chasing the kids, walking, vacuuming or going to the gym. [Lt]

Exercises to lose weight
How to exercise to lose weight

Why is it better to focus on exercises rather than a low-calorie diet or liposuction? Usually, when one wants to lose weight, one wants to lose fat not just weight. The low-calorie diets can achieve fast weight loss, and even more quickly. The problem? it is also the fast track to fat again, as evidenced by long studies in this field. One of these studies has also demonstrated that after 20 years of dieting, people followed did not get thinner, but fat and lost a lot of muscle mass.

The strict diets (less than 1000 calories per day) may, in fact, make you lose in a few weeks up to 20% of your muscle mass. However, the loss of one pound of muscle is sufficient to slow the metabolic rate (the calories burned at rest). Result: we now spend fewer calories in 24 hours. This explains why we gain weight after a low-calorie diet.

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  1. i must agree that exercise is one of the effective conservative ways of losing and maintaining weight..

  2. The science is simple: Eating fewer calories makes you drop pounds. But depriving yourself by skimping on meals and banishing snacks only makes you hungry and pissed off. Plus, you are more likely to binge in the end anyway..


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