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Instagram app for Android

Instagram app for Android

Instagram app will be available for Android. Google play, formerly Android Market will soon get Instagram app. Yes, finally, there will be Instagram app for Android.

Don’t be sad if you can’t use one of the best apps found in iOS, Apple Store since you are an Android user. The reason is there will be Instagram app for Android soon.

Instagram is going towards forming a huge photograph album. It is kinda DeviantArt of mobile devices and most people started to like taking photographs more by using Instagram. You can make your photographs look better by applying lots of different effects to photographs you took by using Instagram. It will be more fun and much better when you use Instagram. Instagram app for Android will work with same logic, you will be able to share these photos with your friends in your profiles.

iOS users downloaded Instagram app more than 27 million times so far from Apple Store. Instagram got the best iOS app award by Apple in 2011. There were rumours that it is becoming available for Android, namely Instagram app for Android but there wasn’t an exact release date. The claims made by Instagram developers will make Android users happy cause they said that Instagram app for Android will be better than Apple iOS Instagram in a way.

Mike Krieger and Kevin Systrom says what they did so far was unbelievable and it will be worth waiting for Android users so far the release of Instagram.

They yet again didn’t give exact release date however it seems Instagram app for Android will be soon available and awesome.

Mike Kriegger and Kevin Systrom

Developers of Instagram app Mike Krieger and Kevin Systrom seem so happy.

This article is about:

  • Kevin Systrom

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One comment

  1. cep telefonu uygulamaları

    Wow, there are so many inbound links that I can hardly read your article. hey dude, is there a plugin or sth else that does that for you or is it you doing that? Hard job. The best part about android is, undoubtedly it’s apps. Most of them are free and funny. Easy to find.

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