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Zynga published new game: Hidden Chronicles

Zynga published new game: Hidden Chronicles

Zynga published their first object oriented game: Hidden Chronicles. This game is really good and we are glad to see such a game from Zynga.



Zynga never published such a game like Hidden Chronicles before. Zynga aims to enrich the content of game where you are seeking hidden objects by adding social objects. The game is published in 17 different languages. Zynga seems to perform a really good job at Hidden Chronicles.

hidden chronicles

Hidden Chronicles

In general, yoı will be seeking hidden object in Hidden Chronicles. You can solve various puzzles, get help from Facebook friends. You can enlarge the area you have and improve it.

Zynga did good job in this game once again. Hidden Chronicles is a good game that you are going to enjoy playing a lot.

zynga hidden chronicles

Here is a video about Zynga game Hidden Chronicles.

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