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iPhone 4S Properties and Features

Here you can find detailed information about iPhone 4S, iPhone 4S Properties and iPhone 4S Features.

First of all, Apple’s new smart phone’s processor is changed with A5, which was also existing at iPad. 1Ghz speed processor is dual-core. In addition to that, its graphical processor provides 7 times better performance.

The best game which has best graphical quality for iOS Infinity Blade will be at App Store. At this game, so improved graphical effects will be available which wasn’t so far. This will be a great improvement for gaming quality.

At this picture, you can see Apple iPhone 4S battery timings for different purposes like listening music, watching videos or talking. Interesting thing is, there is no data about battery time of iPhone 4S while playing a game.

Apple had problems with previous antenna. It has two antennas given inside at iPhone 4S. Now there will be no humor like “OMG! it is better quality at my left hand!” Two antennas will work interchangeably whichever is better.

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  • iphone 4s properties

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