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Desktop Blogging

I used various desktop blogging tools before but I didn’t like the previous desktop blogging tools. Now Windows Live Writer seems to be very good.

Desktop blogging

It is really straight forward to setup a blog account. You can just enter your settings, id, password and a few more and you will be ready just like me to use desktop blogging and desktop blogging tools.

I have chosen Windows Live Writer cause it is an integrated Windows program that works in harmony with other programs I already use. Therefore, Windows Live Writer is a good desktop blogging solution if you are a Windows user.


Desktop blogging: Formatting

It has good design like all updated Microsoft products, you can easily format your posts. You can update your theme files with Windows Live Writer so you can see how your post will be when you are typing.

Desktop blogging: desktop Add options

You can add images, tables, hyperlinks, galleries, videos and maps… Windows Live Writer is amazing and so easy to use.

Desktop blogging: Links and Picture tags

You can edit image alt tags and more so easily with Windows Live Writer. It is now easier to do it compared to online blogging software you are actually using.

Desktop blogging: Screenshots

You can publish screenshots easily with Windows Live Writer. When you take a screen shot with PrintScreen, you can just easily ctrl+v, paste it to Windows Live Writer screen.

Desktop blogging: Screenshot editing

You can easily edit, crop and more with Windows Live Writer. Now pictures can easily be modified and can be made ready for publishing. One tool for all…

Desktop blogging: Saving as draft

Now with Windows Live Writer, it is easy to save post drafts from desktop and also easy to publish whenever you want. Saving as draft? Easy, Ctrl+S.

Desktop blogging: HTML styles

With desktop blogging tool, now as you type in MS Word, you can type and edit formatting easily with Windows Live Writer. All h1 h2 h3 tags, <strong>, and more are really easy. HTLM styling is now fun.

Desktop Blogging: Word counts

With Windows Live Writer, you an see the post statistics easily as you type. The paragraph, word counts and more. All are fast with desktop blogging.

Desktop blogging: picture editing

you can now turn, rotate, add frames and effect to the pictures you will publish with desktop blogging tool, Windows Live Writer.

In addition to these, edit, preview, source tabs and auto spell check, and much more is easily available with Windows Live Writer desktop blogging tool. Add categories, tags, and you can schedule your post easily. You should start trying now if you are a Windows User.

Windows Live Writer Desktop Blogging from this link, you can start downloading Windows Live Writer, the desktop blogging tool we loved.

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